Monday, October 31, 2011

Blame Backbone Fractures On Evolution, Not Osteoporosis: Adaptation to Upright Walking Leaves Humans Susceptible

According to certain researches of the Case Western Reserve University, it has been found out that the actual reason for backbone fractures is the evolution of our vertebrae for upright walking, not merely due to osteoporosis.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New approach to detect pre-cancerous colon cells!

the detection of colon cells by using light technology

What is this new approach to detect pre-cancerous colon cells? What is the new technology which inspires the scientists to develop such technological devices? and What is the use of it and whats its mechanism? Lets find the answers to these questions!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Scientists Crack Black Death's Genetic Code!

Humans have rarely encountered an enemy as devastating as the black death. Between 1347 and 1351 black death sparked, an infection carried by fleas that spread rapidly across Europe killing around 50 million people.

It had struck at a time when the climate was suddenly getting cool. Amidst the war and famine, people were moving into closer quarters where the disease could spread easily, scientists say. And the first time this particular disease had hit humans, it has been suggested that our immune defenses against the germ were lacking.